Speed up the monolith building a smart reverse proxy in Go

Build a high-performance, smart reverse proxy in Go with techniques like body hijacking, multi-threaded operations, and optimized object storage handling for large files and slow requests.

Key takeaways
  • Keep it simple: Use a straightforward approach to building a reverse proxy in Go, focusing on the specific problem to be solved, without incorporating unnecessary complexity.
  • Rethink authorization: Instead of moving authorization logic to the workers, consider implementing it before sending the request to the workers, to improve performance.
  • Use smart reverse proxies: Create a smart reverse proxy that can handle large files and slow requests, such as a Go-based reverse proxy that uses object storage.
  • Body hijacking: Use body hijacking, a technique that allows you to read the request body while it is being written to the disk, to improve performance and reduce memory usage.
  • Optimize for large files: Develop a solution that can efficiently handle large files, such as using an object storage service like Google Cloud Storage or Minio.
  • Multi-threaded operations: Implement multi-threaded operations to improve performance and reduce the time it takes to process requests.
  • Keep it performant: Optimize your code for performance, using techniques such as lazy loading and caching, to ensure that your system can handle large amounts of data and traffic.
  • Use Go’s strengths: Take advantage of Go’s strengths, such as its concurrency model and error handling mechanisms, to build a reliable and performant system.