The Rural Dilemma | Dr. Jennifer Schneider (Homeward) & Chris Bischoff (General Catalyst)

Discover the complexities of rural healthcare and learn how technology, partnerships, and innovative approaches can improve outcomes and address the unique challenges facing rural communities.

Key takeaways
  • The rural healthcare dilemma is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach.
  • Leveraging local communities, such as food banks and transportation services, can help improve healthcare outcomes.
  • Technology can play a crucial role in addressing rural healthcare challenges, but it must be designed with the needs of rural communities in mind.
  • The workforce is retreating from rural areas, making it difficult to provide adequate healthcare services.
  • Partnerships between healthcare providers, payers, and technology companies can help address rural healthcare challenges.
  • Value-based care models can incentivize providers to deliver high-quality, cost-effective care.
  • Data and analytics can help identify trends and patterns in rural healthcare, informing strategies to improve outcomes.
  • Healthcare providers must be willing to take risks and adapt to changing circumstances to succeed in rural areas.
  • The social determinants of health, such as access to food and transportation, play a critical role in determining health outcomes.
  • Technology can help bridge the gap between urban and rural healthcare, but it must be designed with the needs of rural communities in mind.
  • The healthcare industry must prioritize workforce transformation, including training and retaining healthcare professionals in rural areas.
  • The future of rural healthcare requires a collaborative effort between healthcare providers, payers, and technology companies.
  • Data-driven decision making can help improve healthcare outcomes in rural areas.
  • The healthcare industry must prioritize innovation and experimentation to address the complex challenges facing rural healthcare.
  • The role of the healthcare provider is evolving, and providers must be willing to adapt to new technologies and payment models.
  • The future of rural healthcare requires a focus on population health management and value-based care.
  • The healthcare industry must prioritize workforce development and retention in rural areas.
  • Technology can help improve healthcare outcomes in rural areas by providing access to care and improving communication between providers and patients.
  • The healthcare industry must prioritize innovation and experimentation to address the complex challenges facing rural healthcare.
  • The future of rural healthcare requires a focus on building strong relationships between healthcare providers, payers, and patients.