The Software Craftsman: Sandro Mancuso in conversation | LeadDev Bookmarked

Join Sandro Mancuso, advocate for software craftsmanship, as he shares his insights on the importance of individual professionalism, community, and continuous learning in modern software development.

Key takeaways
  • Software craftsmanship is a mindset and movement that values individual professionalism, sharing knowledge, and continuous learning.
  • Communities and conferences are essential for software craftsmanship, as they facilitate the sharing of ideas and experiences.
  • Agile and software craftsmanship are interconnected and both aim to improve software development practices.
  • Software development is a broader field that encompasses not only coding, but also user experience, business analysis, and product ownership.
  • The software craftsmanship movement is not about creating a new framework or methodology, but rather about promoting a culture of learning and improvement.
  • Individuals, not companies, drive the software craftsmanship movement and companies should invest in creating spaces for individuals to share knowledge and learn from each other.
  • The software craftsmanship manifesto is a provocation that encourages individuals to take ownership of their work and strive for excellence.
  • The Agile movement was a reaction to bad software development practices, and software craftsmanship is a natural evolution of that movement.
  • Software development is not just about writing code, but about creating products that meet business needs and user expectations.
  • The future of software development lies in incorporating neighboring disciplines, such as user experience, business analysis, and product ownership, to create more holistic software products.
  • The software craftsmanship movement is not about labels or titles, but about individual professionalism and a commitment to continuous learning and improvement.