Tutorials - Lisa Carpenter: How to create beautiful interactive GUIs and web apps

Create beautiful interactive GUIs and web apps with Streamlit, a Python library. Learn step-by-step how to output data, create widgets, persist data, and more in this tutorial.

Key takeaways
  • The tutorial introduces Streamlit, a Python library for creating beautiful interactive GUIs and web apps.
  • The speaker provides a step-by-step guide to creating a simple web app using Streamlit.
  • The key takeaways include:
    • Using st.write to output data to the front end.
    • Creating interactive widgets such as buttons, sliders, and dropdown menus.
    • Using st.session_state to persist data across multiple pages.
    • Creating a multi-page app by creating separate .py files in a pages folder.
    • Using st.table to display data in a table format.
    • Creating forms using st.form and combining multiple inputs.
    • Using st.empty to create a placeholder for data.
    • Creating a simple hyperparameter tuner using Streamlit.
    • Using st.select_slider to create a slider input.
    • Using st.date_input to create a date input.
    • Creating a data editor using st.table and st.session_state.
    • Using st.session_state to persist data across multiple pages.
    • Creating a sidebar using st.sidebar.
    • Using st.write to output data to the front end.
  • The speaker encourages attendees to try out Streamlit and create their own projects.