Ville Tuulos - Compute anything with Metaflow | PyData Global 2023


Explore the evolving landscape of compute power, from vertical to horizontal scaling, and discover how Metaflow can help you build a robust machine learning infrastructure that meets the needs of AI and LLMs.

Key takeaways
  • Compute power has increased exponentially over the years, with a massive increase in processing power and relatively stable cost.
  • The changing landscape of compute has led to a shift from vertical scaling to horizontal scaling.
  • The growth in cloud computing has provided more options for compute resources, with providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
  • The importance of considering the whole stack of machine learning infrastructure, including data, compute, and orchestration.
  • The rise of AI and LLMs has led to a new generation of compute needs.
  • The need for more diverse landscape of compute options, with different tools and frameworks for different use cases.
  • The value of Python as a compute language, with frameworks like Pandas, NumPy, and Dask.
  • The importance of considering the capabilities of the hardware, such as GPUs and multi-core processors.
  • The growth of distributed computing, with frameworks like Apache Spark and Hadoop.
  • The importance of considering the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of compute resources.
  • Metaflow as a compute framework that focuses on the full stack of machine learning infrastructure.
  • The importance of considering the organizational and human concerns of compute resources.