What is JHipster Lite and why should you care? by Julien Dubois

Discover JHipster Lite, a lightweight and customizable version of the popular development tool, designed for flexibility and modularization, perfect for creating web applications with ease.

Key takeaways
  • JHipster is a set of tools for developers to quickly create a professional-grade web application using Spring Boot and other modern technologies.
  • At the time of the presentation, JHipster was 8 years old and had improved over time based on user feedback.
  • The JHipster team realized that some users needed a smaller and more modular version of JHipster, leading to the creation of JHipster Lite.
  • JHipster Lite is a more lightweight and customizable version of JHipster, with a smaller codebase and fewer dependencies.
  • The philosophy behind JHipster Lite is to provide a simpler and more flexible way for developers to create web applications, especially for those who don’t need a full-featured application.
  • JHipster Lite uses the same technology stack as JHipster, including Spring Boot, Vue.js, and Liquibase.
  • JHipster Lite is designed to be more extensible and modular, allowing developers to add or remove features as needed.
  • JHipster Lite’s REST API automatically generates a tree of modules, making it easier to manage complex applications.
  • JHipster Lite can run on multiple platforms, including local development, Docker, and the cloud.
  • The team is planning to continue improving JHipster Lite and expanding its features.