Your GTM is broken. How to Fix it with SC Moatti GP of Mighty Capital


Discover how to fix your broken GTM by adopting a product-led motion, targeting product VPs, and leveraging AI in sales and marketing for scalable success.

Key takeaways
  • Your GTM is broken if it’s not a product-led motion
  • Traditional sales motion won’t cut it for SaaS companies
  • You need to target product VPs, directors, and PMs directly
  • Your product needs to be a “category king” to stand out in a crowded market
  • Selling to product managers requires a different approach, emphasizing ROI and TCO
  • Marketing budgets are shrinking, and you need to focus on product-driven sales
  • Building relationships with product teams is crucial for selling to them
  • You need to demonstrate the value of your product through customer success stories
  • Artificial intelligence has changed the way we approach sales and marketing
  • Your GTM needs to be scalable, efficient, and effective to succeed in a competitive market
  • As a VC, it’s essential to understand the product-driven sales motion and be able to advise portfolio companies on this strategy
  • The product function is becoming increasingly important in business, and you need to adapt your GTM to this new reality
  • You need to prioritize partnerships and integrations with other companies to increase your market share
  • The traditional go-to-market motion is no longer effective, and you need to think outside the box to succeed.