Abby Carey - Developing Flask Applications for Google Cloud

Develop Flask applications for Google Cloud using Cloud Code, an IDE plugin that automates development workflows for cloud-native apps, and explore its features, including Cloud Run, Service accounts, and more.

Key takeaways
  • Cloud Code is an IDE plugin that automates development workflows for cloud-native applications, focusing on Cloud Run development with Google Cloud.
  • Cloud Run is a container-based platform that lets you deploy stateless HTTP containers, with support for multiple languages including Java, Python, Go, and Node.js.
  • Service accounts are important for Cloud Run, providing identity and access control.
  • Cloud Run supports automatic scaling, load balancing, and security features like SSL/TLS termination.
  • Cloud Code supports several IDEs, including Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, and IntelliJ.
  • Cloud Code helps with automation, allowing developers to focus on code rather than repetitive tasks.
  • Cloud Run supports Container Registry, Google Cloud Storage, BigQuery, and Cloud SQL connections.
  • Cloud Code demonstrates translating text using the Cloud Translation API.
  • There are 6 ways to use Cloud Code, including showing the best practices along the way.
  • Cloud Run supports custom binaries and libraries, supporting any language or library.
  • Buildpacks can be used instead of Docker files.
  • Cloud Run can be used with Datastore and Cloud SQL.
  • Cloud Code helps with containerizing applications using Docker, and automating development workflows.
  • Service accounts can be used to grant roles on identities.
  • Cloud Code works on multiple platforms, including Cloud-based Editor.
  • Cloud Run supports serverless architecture.
  • Cloud Code helps with integrating Cloud APIs, including Translation API and Storage APIs.
  • Cloud Code provides a dev tool for automating repetitive processes.
  • Cloud Run supports flexible pricing models, including pay-per-use.