Amplifying your voice to inspire action

Inspire action and ignite change by amplifying your voice and the voices of others, overcoming obstacles, and demanding clarity and action.

Key takeaways
  • Don’t fake expertise, ask questions until it makes sense or doesn’t.
  • Power amplification is more important than what you say; amplify others’ voices.
  • Hope is not magic, it’s work; it requires action and effort.
  • Faith is different from hope, it’s having a certainty about a better future.
  • Consequence is change; don’t settle for the status quo.
  • Conflict is inevitable; don’t assume everything will be resolved quickly.
  • Don’t trivialize or downplay intense conflict, acknowledge its impact.
  • Organizing is about leveraging existing gifts and skills, rather than imposing your own.
  • Corrupting or silencing voices through punishment or fear is not the way forward.
  • The best organizers help individuals find their own voice and amplify their own power.
  • It’s not about whether someone is “nice” or “kind”; it’s about whether they’re delivering on promises.
  • The critical mass of change often starts small; begin with a single person.
  • Rather than trying to fit people into boxes, try to understand their experiences and amplify their voices.
  • When something doesn’t make sense, demand clarity and action.
  • Use technology, such as Twitter, to amplify messages and accelerate impact.
  • Communication and messaging can be barriered by systemic injustices; acknowledge and overcome them.