Chatbots Suck | Dr. Pieter Buteneers

Learn how to create effective chatbots that apologize for mistakes, understand user intent, and improve NLP accuracy. Discover practical applications and limitations of chatbots in customer service and sales.

Key takeaways
  • Chatbots still suck, but humans are used to dealing with imperfections.
  • People expect chatbots to make mistakes and apologize for them.
  • Focus on creating a conversational flow with natural language processing (NLP).
  • Understand the intent behind user input and adjust the bot’s response accordingly.
  • Use synonyms and noise to improve NLP accuracy.
  • Create a validation process to ensure the bot’s responses are accurate.
  • Don’t over apologize; be transparent and clear in your responses.
  • Focus on practical applications, such as customer service and sales, rather than just creating a chatbot for the sake of it.
  • Understand that chatbots are not perfect and can make mistakes, but they can still be useful.
  • Use personas and scenarios to test the chatbot’s performance.
  • Don’t over-engineer the bot; focus on simple, clear language and responses.
  • Validate the bot’s responses to ensure they are accurate and relevant.
  • Don’t compare the chatbot’s performance to humans; focus on its own limitations and strengths.