Christopher Monroe: "Modular Ion Trap Quantum Networks: Going Big"

Join Christopher Monroe as he discusses the development of modular ion trap quantum networks, scalable quantum computing architectures, and the challenges and opportunities of building a large-scale quantum computer.

Key takeaways
  • Modularity is crucial for building a large-scale quantum computer, as it allows for scalability and reduces complexity.
  • Trapped ions can be more scalable than solid-state qubits due to their atomically perfect nature.
  • The natural way to wire trapped ions is through their Coulomb interaction, with a cost that grows exponentially with the number of qubits, but eventually saturates.
  • The Shore factoring algorithm is one of the hardest algorithms to implement on a large scale.
  • Quantum computers require modular architectures to achieve scalability, just like classical computers.
  • Christopher Monroe’s group has demonstrated a modular quantum computing architecture using trapped ions.
  • The cost of scaling up a quantum computer is driven by the overhead of wiring up qubits and the complexity of the system.
  • Atomic systems are more susceptible to noise than solid-state systems, making noise reduction strategies essential.
  • Ion trap systems can be used to implement high-fidelity quantum gates and measurement operations.
  • The scaling of ion trap systems is limited by the number of atoms that can be trapped and the frequency of the lasers used.
  • Modular quantum computing architectures can be used to implement quantum algorithms and reduce the cost of quantum computing.
  • The cost of qubits can be reduced by using modular architectures and reconfiguring the system to add new qubits.
  • Quantum computing is a revolutionary change to the fundamental rules of computing, but Moore’s law does not necessarily apply to quantum computing.