Devoxx Greece 2024 - Plenty of Platforms - Lessons learned

Learn the essential lessons for building a successful platform strategy, from decentralization to automation, and discover how to create a scalable, flexible, and efficient platform that enables quick value delivery to customers.

Key takeaways
  • A platform is not just a product, but a strategy.
  • To build a good platform, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and be willing to adapt.
  • Platform engineering is needed to unify different technologies and provide a common layer for application teams to deliver versus independently.
  • The goal of a platform is to make it possible to deliver value to customers quickly and efficiently.
  • Decentralized control and autonomous decision-making are key components of a good platform.
  • Automation can help reduce the complexity of a platform and make it easier to manage.
  • A platform should be designed to enable faster and more efficient delivery of software.
  • The platform should be designed versus customized for a specific company or industry.
  • A platform can take several years to mature and need careful planning and execution.
  • A good platform should have a clear and well-defined strategy.
  • API-first approach can help to build a platform that is scalable and flexible.
  • A platform should be designed to be modular and reusable.
  • The platform should have a clear and well-defined architecture.
  • The platform should be designed to be scalable and flexible.
  • API Gateway can help to manage APIs and provide a single entry point for clients.
  • Shareable, re-usable, and scalable components are essential for a good platform.
  • Microservices architecture can help to build a platform that is scalable and flexible.
  • API Security is crucial for a platform that exposes APIs.
  • A platform should have a clear and well-defined api mocking strategy.
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline is essential for a platform.
  • Testing and validation are crucial for a platform.
  • A platform should have a clear and well-defined testing strategy.
  • Metrics and monitoring are essential for a platform.
  • A platform should have a clear and well-defined api versioning strategy.
  • Keep it simple, stupid (KISS) principle should be applied when building a platform.
  • A platform should be designed to be easy to use and maintain.
  • A good platform should be scalable and flexible.