DjangoCon 2022 | How to wag a dog

Explore the transformative power of documentation in software development, where the tail (documentation) wags the dog (code), and discover how this paradigm shift can revolutionize your approach to building meaningful and useful products.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker argues that documentation should not be an afterthought, but rather an integral part of the software development process.
  • The relationship between software and documentation should be reversed, with documentation driving the development of software, rather than the other way around.
  • The speaker uses the metaphor of a dog and its tail to illustrate the importance of documentation in understanding the software.
  • Documentation is not just about providing information, but about giving meaning and context to the software.
  • The speaker argues that software development is not just about creating code, but about creating a product that is meaningful and useful to users.
  • The relationship between the creator and the critic is essential in understanding the software, and documentation should be seen as a way of facilitating this dialogue.
  • The speaker suggests that the traditional approach to documentation, where documentation is seen as a way of explaining the software to users, is flawed and should be reversed.
  • The speaker argues that documentation should be seen as a way of creating a conversation between the creator and the user, rather than just providing information.
  • The speaker suggests that the idea of a “power of vision” is important in understanding the relationship between the creator and the user, and that documentation should be seen as a way of facilitating this power.
  • The speaker argues that the traditional approach to documentation, where documentation is seen as a way of explaining the software to users, is flawed and should be reversed.
  • The speaker suggests that documentation should be seen as a way of creating a conversation between the creator and the user, rather than just providing information.
  • The speaker argues that the idea of a “power of vision” is important in understanding the relationship between the creator and the user, and that documentation should be seen as a way of facilitating this power.
  • The speaker suggests that the traditional approach to documentation, where documentation is seen as a way of explaining the software to users, is flawed and should be reversed.
  • The speaker argues that documentation should be seen as a way of creating a conversation between the creator and the user, rather than just providing information.
  • The speaker suggests that the idea of a “power of vision” is important in understanding the relationship between the creator and the user, and that documentation should be seen as a way of facilitating this power.