I Was Tasked With Enrolling Millions of Developers in 2FA - Here's What Happened

Learn how enrolling millions of developers in two-factor authentication (2FA) achieved higher security and adoption rates through careful planning, user experience improvements, and strategic communication.

Key takeaways
  • It’s essential to balance technical decisions with the needs and expectations of the business.
  • Setting clear roles and expectations helps to prevent confusion and ensure successful collaboration.
  • Prioritize planning and research to determine the strategic implications of your work.
  • Make user experience improvements to increase adoption and retain users.
  • Monitor and adjust your research and communication strategies regularly.
  • Assess the impact of your work on the business and users by observing changes in metrics and user feedback.
  • Create a planning document to track goals, timelines, and resource allocation.
  • Consider including diverse perspectives and subject matter experts in decision-making.
  • Frequently check with stakeholders and teams to ensure alignment and progress.
  • Stay aware of changing priorities, goals, and resource allocation.
  • Continuously assess and improve your process and communication approach.
  • Develop a strategic plan that considers the business and user needs.
  • Ensure that your messaging is clear and consistent across all communication channels.
  • Prioritize customer-facing support and customer success to improve user experience.
  • Consider enrolling millions of developers in two-factor authentication (2FA).
  • A successful 2FA effort requires a comprehensive approach and careful planning.
  • Consider the human factors associated with 2FA adoption and identify potential solutions.
  • Evaluate the impact of 2FA on business goals and user experience.
  • Prioritize data-driven decision-making and monitor KPIs regularly.
  • Set clear goals and objectives for each stage of the 2FA rollout.
  • Continuously engage with stakeholders, teams, and users to ensure a successful rollout.
  • Implement a tiered approach to 2FA, allowing users to prefer 2FA methods.
  • Ensure that the 2FA configuration flow is easy to use and requires minimal effort.
  • Maintain a balance between security and user experience considerations.
  • Plan for and address potential risks and dependencies.
  • Consider the inclusivity and accessibility of your 2FA approach.