Jamstack Conf 2022: Front End Happy Hour Live

Join our panel discussion at Jamstack Conf 2022 to explore the trend of specialization in the industry, its impact on team structure and job roles, and how companies can adapt and thrive in this new landscape.

Key takeaways
  • Specialization is an increasing trend in the industry, and companies are forming more and more specialized teams.
  • The size of the company plays a significant role in the need for specialization, with larger companies often requiring more specialized teams.
  • Generalists are still valuable, but they may need to adapt to being part of a team with more specialized members.
  • The rise of platform as a service companies and devops teams has reduced the need for some traditional skills, such as server management.
  • The internet stack is becoming more composable, with companies using APIs and cloud services to build applications.
  • It’s possible to be a generalist and have depth in many areas, but it may require more experience and a willingness to learn new things.
  • Companies may need to manage their teams more effectively, with a mix of generalists and specialists working together.
  • The future of work may involve more specialization, with some people becoming experts in specific areas.
  • The panel agrees that specialization is not career limiting, and that it’s possible to be a specialist in a particular area and still have a fulfilling career.
  • The importance of domain knowledge cannot be overstated, and being an expert in a specific area can be beneficial for career advancement.
  • Some companies may need to encourage their employees to be more adaptable and willing to learn new skills to keep up with the changing needs of the industry.
  • The rise of automation and devops tools may reduce the need for some traditional skills, but it also creates new opportunities for automation and efficiency.
  • Being a specialist can be a good thing, as it allows for a deeper understanding of a particular area and the ability to make a meaningful contribution.