Jamstack Conf Virtual 2020 Keynote, Matt Biilmann of Netlify

Learn how Netlify's programmable edge and build plugin system simplify web development, enabling custom edge handlers, automation, and accessibility, as Matt Biilmann shares insights on the evolution of the web and the JAMstack.

Key takeaways
  • The web has evolved from a simple informational page to a complex platform with various use cases and challenges.
  • The JAMstack has emerged as a solution to simplify web development by separating concerns, reducing operational complexity, and increasing performance.
  • Netlify’s programmable edge allows for greater control over the web development process, enabling developers to create custom edge handlers and plugins.
  • The build layer is a crucial component of the JAMstack, and Netlify has introduced a build plugin system to simplify the build process.
  • Automation is key to improving the development process, and Netlify’s automation features allow for automated testing, notifications, and cleanups.
  • The web has become increasingly global, with a huge volume of information and a truly global phenomenon.
  • Accessibility is a critical concern in web development, and Netlify’s plugins can help ensure accessibility.
  • Edge computing is essential for delivering high-performance websites, and Netlify’s edge node enables developers to run code directly on the edge server.
  • The web has reached a point where complexity is no longer an option, and developers need solutions that simplify the development process.
  • Netlify’s platform provides a declarative set of rules for building and deploying websites, making it easier for developers to create complex applications.
  • The JAMstack has a rich ecosystem of tools and platforms, and Netlify is committed to fostering innovation and growth in this space.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of information sharing and accessibility, and Netlify is playing a small part in the global response to this crisis.