Keynote: Django the Dinosaur: A Story About A Web Framework with Julia Solórzano

Discover the future of Django, a web framework, as it evolves with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLM), enabling faster development, simplified package management, and AI-powered testing.

Key takeaways
  • The future of Django involves expansion and leveraging of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLM).
  • Julia Solórzano presents a story about Django, the Dinosaur, a web framework with its own journey and evolution.
  • Three types of personas are identified: leapers, bridge builders, and tradition holders, in relation to change in the Django community.
  • The speaker stresses the importance of AI and LLM in shaping the future of programming and Django’s capabilities.
  • Julia highlights the difficulties faced in package management and the potential of using AI to make it easier.
  • Traditional testing is seen as tedious, and AI-powered testing can enhance the process.
  • The community must adapt to changes and leverage new technologies like AI to stay relevant and moving forward.
  • Django has a bright future ahead, with the ability to make it easier for people to become programmers, build websites faster, and make package management simpler.
  • AI will expand and become a critical part of programming, leading to changes in the Django community.
  • In the past, Django has overcome several challenges, and this trend is likely to continue in the future.
  • The community continues to grow, expand, and innovate with the use of AI and other emerging technologies.
  • AI can simplify package management by helping developers find solutions faster and easier.
  • Traditional web development and design are shifting due to AI and other advances in technology.