LeadDev Berlin 2022 Anita Singh

Transitioning to a management role requires a significant shift in mindset, prioritizing self-care, and delegating tasks to team members while recognizing the importance of giving up control and empowering others.

Key takeaways
  • When transitioning to a management role, it’s essential to recognize that you’re no longer the technical expert and must delegate tasks to team members.
  • As a manager of managers, you’ll need to prioritize self-care, as the role can be isolating and lonely.
  • Middle management work involves a significant shift in power dynamics, and you must actively give up control to be successful.
  • It’s crucial to recognize that you’re no longer responsible for individual contributions, but rather for team success.
  • The transition to a management role requires a significant change in mindset, and it’s essential to recognize that you’re no longer an individual contributor.
  • Career development is the key to success, and investing in yourself is vital.
  • As a manager, you should strive to be a multiplier, using your influence to amplify the work of your team, rather than doing the work yourself.
  • Power dynamics can be a major challenge in a management role, and it’s essential to recognize the importance of giving up control and empowering team members.
  • The role of a manager is not just about technical expertise, but about strategic thinking, leadership, and effective communication.
  • When transitioning to a management role, it’s essential to recognize that you may no longer be an expert in the technical aspects of your field, but you still need to stay informed and involved.
  • Middle management work involves a lot of invisible work, which can be demotivating if not recognized and valued.
  • As a manager of managers, it’s crucial to prioritize mentorship and coaching to help team members grow and develop.
  • The transition to a management role can be isolating, and it’s essential to find a peer group or support network to help cope with the challenges.
  • When transitioning to a management role, it’s essential to recognize that you may no longer be able to do all the things you did as an individual contributor, and that’s okay.
  • The role of a manager is not just about personal success, but about the success of the team and the organization.