Lightning Talks Day Two with Kojo Idrissa - DjangoCon US 2022

Join Kojo Idrissa for a series of lightning talks on innovative Django solutions, including cookie-based page rendering, environment variables, data visualization, concurrency, and more.

Key takeaways
  • Sending a cookie with register snippet decorator to eliminate rendering Django administration page
  • Blackping program that tests code execution and crashes site with animated GIF
  • Using environment variables in to eliminate dependence on 12-factor app approach
  • Django session management uses strict separation of concerns through session middleware
  • Use of ORC files and ggplot for data visualization
  • Testing and debugging code with tests and gprof tool
  • Implementing concurrency to utilize multiple processing and reduce execution time
  • Importance of constant repetition and consistency in youth mentorship
  • Role of AI systems in marketing strategy and machine learning
  • Carefully selecting programming code and names to avoid arousing confusion
  • Reflecting and adjusting approach to comments and feedback
  • Manage code execution with 12-factor app approach
  • Designing .js files for embedded players and animations