Maximim Impact, Minimum Effort – Gojko Adžić

Maximize your impact and minimize effort with Gojko Adžić's talk on creating direct alignment with business goals through impact maps, leading indicators, and data-driven decision-making.

Key takeaways
  • Maximizing impact while minimizing effort requires understanding what drives business results and measuring progress towards goals.
  • Focus on impacts and behavior changes, rather than deliverables and features, to create a direct alignment with business goals.
  • The most important part of an impact map is the middle section, which describes leading indicators of value and behavior changes.
  • The way most organizations track work is insane, and tracking progress towards goals is often not possible.
  • It is important to focus on the next 2-3 months of work and identify the important impacts related to that period, rather than trying to tackle everything at once.
  • The stakeholder has no idea how to measure value, and it is the responsibility of the team to help them understand how to do so. *Technical expertise is not sufficient to ensure success, as many projects fail because they do not align with business goals.
  • Focus on achieving small, incremental changes, rather than trying to solve all problems at once.
  • It is the duty of the team to expose their assumptions and discuss them with stakeholders to ensure alignment.
  • One of the best things about an impact map is that every connection is an assumption, which can be exposed and discussed with stakeholders.
  • Impact maps can help organizations ship products with the highest potential to drive business results, while avoiding wasted effort and resources.
  • Junior engineers should aim to understand and track progress towards business goals, rather than focusing solely on technical tasks.
  • Measuring progress towards goals is essential, and teams should focus on creating a culture of data-driven decision-making.
  • The “impact map” is key to achieving the desired outcome.