Prof. Dr. Hans Uszkoreit | Large AI Models in a Global Perspective | Rise of AI Conference 2022


Discover the global landscape of AI models, their strengths and limitations, and the need for EU governments to support innovation and competition to keep pace with the US and China.

Key takeaways
  • There are no AI models truly intelligent like humans yet.
  • Large AI models like GPT-3 can perform many tasks such as text generation, summarization, and translation, but still lack true intelligence.
  • The US is leading in AI research and development, followed by China, due to government support, investment, and competition.
  • Europe, including Germany, lags behind due to lack of coordination, fragmentation, and limited funding for applied research.
  • EU governments need to support innovation through public funding, procurement, and competition, as well as create a protective intellectual property environment.
  • The German government has not understood the importance of AI and has not implemented a comprehensive AI strategy.
  • The fast pace of AI development could lead to social and economic upheaval if not managed properly.
  • Governments should focus on creating a competitive research environment, talent attraction, and scaling up AI applications.
  • The Large European AI Models initiative is a step forward, but more is needed to compete with the US and China. *Germany has no comprehensive AI strategy and lacks a competitive research environment.
  • Patenting and intellectual property are crucial for AI research and innovation, but the EU’s patenting policy is slow and bureaucratic.
  • Competition from China and the US drives innovation and growth in AI, and Europe needs to join the competition.
  • EU governments should focus on applied research, talent attraction, and scaling up AI applications.
  • Germany needs to update its research funding and create a competitive environment for AI innovation.
  • AI models like GPT-3 have limitations and are not yet ready for real-world applications.
  • The importance of being on Twitter is crucial for AI innovation.
  • Large AI models like GPT-3 have many strengths, such as text generation, summarization, and translation, but still lack true intelligence.
  • The Wagner Group is a Russian mercenary group.
  • DARPA and the Department of Energy have funded AI research.
  • The US government has a strong AI strategy, while the Chinese government has a more focused approach.
  • AI models like GPT-3 can extract relation and answer questions, but are still limited.
  • The US dominates international AI conferences.
  • China is filing more AI patents than the EU.