Serverless Deployments with Canary – Creating DevOps engineers at | Nicole Yip's journey to create DevOps engineers, using serverless deployments with canary releases, microservices architecture, and automation to streamline the release process and ensure reliability.

Key takeaways
  • Microservices architecture: uses a microservices architecture, with many small services built and deployed independently.
  • DevOps culture: is transitioning to a DevOps culture, where developers are responsible for deployment and operations, and operations teams are responsible for building and testing.
  • Automation: The company uses automation to streamline the release process, with tools like CircleCI, AWS CodeDeploy, and LERNA.
  • CI/CD pipeline: has a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, which automates the build, test, and deployment of code changes.
  • Canary deployments: The company uses canary deployments, where a small percentage of traffic is routed to the new version of a service, to reduce risk and improve reliability.
  • Serverless architecture: has adopted a serverless architecture, using the AWS Lambda and API Gateway services to build and deploy functions.
  • Monorepos: The company uses monorepos, where all code for a service is stored in a single repository, to simplify management and testing.
  • End-to-end ownership: encourages end-to-end ownership of services, where developers are responsible for building, testing, and deploying their own services.
  • Visibility: The company has improved visibility into the deployment process, with tools like New Relic and pager duty alerts to monitor performance and detect issues.
  • Automation of manual steps: has automated many manual steps in the deployment process, such as configuration management and deployment validation.
  • Faster feedback loops: The company has implemented faster feedback loops, with automated testing and deployment to production, to improve the speed and reliability of deployments.
  • Scaling: has scaled its engineering team from 10 to 35 engineers, and has implemented processes to ensure that new engineers can be trained and brought up to speed quickly.