StaffPlus - Learning to focus on the impactful tasks, instead of every ask!

Learn how to prioritize impactful tasks, set boundaries, and measure progress to boost your productivity and achieve your goals in this empowering conference talk.

Key takeaways
  • Learn to focus on impactful tasks by being proactive in your work and time management.
  • Set explicit boundaries and prioritize tasks based on their alignment with your goals and values.
  • Measure progress and outcomes to stay focused and motivated.
  • Use the “five whys” framework to understand the underlying reasons for a task and prioritize accordingly.
  • Delegate tasks effectively by identifying the right people to work with and providing clear guidance.
  • Create a culture of empathy and understanding within your organization to build trust and foster collaboration.
  • Identify your own goals and prioritize tasks based on their alignment with those goals.
  • Use productivity tools and techniques to stay organized and focused, such as prioritizing tasks and using a “stop doing” list.
  • Delegate tasks to others by empowering them to take ownership of projects and providing them with the necessary resources and support.
  • Focus on the most important tasks and avoid getting bogged down in non-essential activities.
  • Use data and metrics to measure the impact of your work and make data-driven decisions.
  • Learn to say no to non-essential tasks and focus on the tasks that align with your goals and values.