The Next Wave of Web Frameworks is BYOJS – Brandon Roberts, JSNation 2022

Discover the next wave of web frameworks, BYOJS, where developers can choose their own JavaScript framework to build web applications faster, more secure, and easier to scale with Astro, a static site generator.

Key takeaways
  • The JAMstack is evolving towards a more defined architecture, focusing on making the web faster, more secure, and easier to scale.
  • Traditional server-side applications are shifting towards static-first or HTML-first web applications.
  • BYOJS (Bring Your Own JavaScript) is the next wave of web frameworks, where developers can choose their own JavaScript framework for building web applications.
  • JavaScript frameworks such as React, Vue, Svelte, and Solid are supported by Astro, a static site generator that also has integrations for building web apps.
  • Partial hydration allows for rendering HTML at build time and shipping it to the client, with some JavaScript enhancements added later.
  • Islands architecture is a concept where components are rendered independently and loaded separately, allowing for better performance and faster loading times.
  • Server-side rendering (SSR) is a technique where components are rendered on the server and sent to the client, reducing the amount of JavaScript needed.
  • Web performance metrics such as time to first byte, time to interactive, and largest contentful paint measure the speed and usability of web applications.
  • The Astro project is a static site generator that uses a streaming build system and supports integrations with popular web frameworks.
  • The BYOJS concept allows developers to bring their own JavaScript framework and integrate it with the Astro project.