Unlocking the Web: Exploring WebAuthn & Beyond • Eli Holderness & Mark Rendle

Explore the future of authentication with WebAuthn and its implications, as experts Eli Holderness and Mark Rendle discuss the protocol's potential to revolutionize online security and the importance of data sovereignty.

Key takeaways
  • WebAuthn is a protocol that allows users to authenticate online without using passwords.
  • It uses hardware tokens, such as YubiKey, to provide an additional layer of security.
  • The protocol is designed to be implementation-agnostic, allowing for different hardware tokens and authentication methods.
  • Eli and Mark, the speakers, believe that society will collapse and that data sovereignty is important.
  • They think that it’s not realistic to expect users to keep track of multiple authentication methods and hardware tokens.
  • They also believe that data science is a separate discipline and that sifting through mountains of data is difficult.
  • The speakers are strong advocates for cloud computing and think that it’s a good way to reduce the complexity of computing.
  • They also believe that data storage is important and that some companies are not doing enough to protect user data.
  • Eli uses a Raspberry Pi 4 and a YubiKey to store his passwords and access his online accounts.
  • The speakers are interested in learning more about WebAssembly and its potential uses.
  • They think that it’s a good way to run Python code in the browser and are interested in learning more about it.
  • Eli and Mark believe that there are many different ways to authenticate and that having multiple options is a good thing.