Continuous Delivery starts with Continuous Infrastructure

Discover how Continuous Delivery starts with Continuous Infrastructure, breaking down silos and enabling collaboration between developers and operators. Learn the keys to successful automation, testing, and reproducibility.

Key takeaways
  • Continuous delivery starts with infrastructure, not just application development
  • Focus on building infrastructure as code (IaC) first to automate deployment and testing
  • Need collaboration between developers and operators (Ops) to achieve this
  • Automation is not just a technology problem, but also a cultural issue
  • Organizations need to break through existing silos and adopt IaC and CI/CD concepts
  • Understanding the concept of configuration drift is crucial for successful CI/CD implementation
  • Automation only makes sense if you have someone or something that can break things frequently (like a test failure) so that you can learn from and recover from those failures quickly.
  • Pipelines should be built as modules that can be reused throughout an organization
  • Infrastructure as Code tools such as Puppet, Chef, etc., should be used to manage infrastructure consistently and test it thoroughly
  • Reproductibility is key to IaC and CI/CD, this requires automation and testing
  • A C-level executive’s influence and support are crucial for organization-wide adoption of IaC and CI/CD
  • The DevOps and Infrastructure as Code movement helps teams work together more efficiently