Grads Are Your Future: It's time to Invest! • Michelle Gleeson • YOW! 2018

Invest in the next generation of developers with Michelle Gleeson's actionable guide on designing a successful graduate program, empowering future success and industry growth.

Key takeaways
  • Invest in the next generation of developers to future-proof your industry.
  • Define what you want to see in your company and involve your engineering community in designing the program.
  • Focus on software practices, such as pair programming, test-driven development, and clean coding.
  • Create a boot camp to assess candidates, involving them in coding challenges and workshops.
  • Use a balanced scoring system to evaluate candidates, focusing on both technical and soft skills.
  • Offer stretch goals and suggestions, and assess how they pick up and run with them.
  • Create a profile and advertise the program on the corporate site.
  • Include processes for continuous integration and improvement.
  • Provide support for graduates, including mentoring and a buddy system.
  • Foster a culture of recognition and appreciation, and create a scoreboard to measure progress.
  • Continuously evaluate and improve the program.
  • Make sure to set expectations for how teams want to work and ensure graduates are set up for success.
  • Create generalists with broad skill sets, rather than specialized developers.
  • Focus on inclusivity and diversity, and avoid making assumptions about candidates.
  • Be open-minded and willing to learn from your graduates and improve your company culture.