Managers Are Not That Stupid • Malte Foegen • GOTO 2022

Managers aren't stupid, they just need to learn and adapt to agile organizations where teams are empowered to take responsibility and make decisions.

Key takeaways
  • Managers are not stupid, but rather they need to learn and adapt to new ways of working in agile organizations.
  • Agile organizations are built from the ground up with teams as the nucleus.
  • The definition of agile is delivering what customers want, and it’s not just about software development.
  • Scrum is standing on the shoulders of lean, and Kanban is all about flow, not about growth and structure.
  • Self-management is not just about individual responsibility, but rather a team-level phenomenon.
  • Agile organizations require rearranged management and leadership, where teams are responsible for their own management and decision-making.
  • Current managers and leaders need to trust teams and give up control, as teams are capable of managing themselves.
  • The role of the product owner is key in agile organizations, responsible for setting goals and aligning objectives.
  • The Scrum master is important, but should not be considered as the sole responsible party.
  • Leadership is not gone, but rather redefined in agile organizations to mean empowering teams to make decisions and take responsibility.
  • Kanban and Scrum are not mutually exclusive, but rather complement each other in agile organizations.
  • Teams need to be citizens in the larger, agile organization, and this includes making decisions and taking responsibility.
  • Agile organizations require employees to be motivated and aligned with company goals, and to take ownership of their role.
  • The role of the product owner is also important, as they set the goals and objectives of the product.
  • Agile teams are capable of managing themselves, but need to be trusted by leaders and managers to do so.
  • The organization’s structure and roles need to be redefined in agile organizations.
  • The talk emphasizes the importance of psychological safety and trust in agile organizations.
  • The speaker highlights that the conversation about agile organizations needs to shift from focusing on processes to focusing on people and teams.
  • The notion that “managers are stupid” is debunked, and that leaders and managers need to learn and adapt to new ways of working in agile organizations.