Scaling Climate Tech. Panel moderated by Kristīne Nagle / Your Impact House

Explore the essential strategies and skills required to scale climate tech businesses efficiently, sustainably, and with storytelling flair, featuring a panel moderated by Kristīne Nagle at the Your Impact House conference.

Key takeaways

Scale Efficiently

  • Founder’s mindset: Build for scale, not just for today
  • Focus on customers: Understand their pain points, map their journeys

Build for Sustainability

  • Path to sustainability: Focus on biology, enzyme design, and processing
  • Breakthrough tech: Develop new enzymes for plastic waste recycling
  • Costs are decreasing: Scale will bring costs down

Balance Entrepreneurial Risk

  • Manage risk: Balance customer focus with tech progress
  • Find supportive investors: Focus on those who understand the journey
  • Set realistic expectations: Don’t promise too much, too soon

Storytelling Matters

  • Emphasize storytelling: Share your vision, values, and progress
  • Show growth: Highlight milestones, achievements, and data
  • Good storytelling is crucial for investor engagement

Find Your Niche

  • Focus on a niche: Identify areas for growth, expansion, and differentiation
  • Tailor your pitch: Adapt your message for the right audience
  • Be authentic: Share your own experiences, insights, and knowledge

Build a Strong Team

  • Assemble a strong team: Surround yourself with experts, advisors, and mentors
  • Focus on customer-facing teams: Ensure they understand customer needs
  • Continuously learn and improve: Stay prepared, adaptable, and open-minded

Sustain Innovation

  • Focus on innovation: Stay ahead of the curve, anticipate trends
  • Leverage technology: Apply biology, enzyme design, and processing
  • Sustainability is key: Prioritize long-term goals, not just short-term gains